Friday, June 15, 2007

CRY NOT MY BROTHER! - To my dearest and most loving brother Jepp. I know your pain and I feel your sorrow.

Cry not
I told my brother
For I care for you
more than
you ever know

How often
have I told you
I shall wipe
every tear
and be by your side
before your next
tear drop falls

When you are the best
and none as good
the barrier that
holds you down
with terms set
not clear
nor correct
in every way
Yet you have to pay
the hefty price

So brother
do not entertain
anymore exclusive snakes
no matter how cool the exterior
or colourful the vibes

After they arched
that tombstone
at your door
and squeezed a dagger
right through you
And you still
flash that smile
I was all ready
to nail
their coffins
with my flesh

Then I saw
how they ripped
that vulnerable part of you
slicing an old wound
which was once numb
and now its bleeding again

With aching heart
I recalled every
traumatised moment
you endured

And I just cant let go
nor forget or forgive
who ever has done
my brother wrong
and now
I shall return
with a vengeance!