Friday, July 04, 2008


Oh God
This heart is like a treasure
It will go down to the sea with the ships
If you don't safe me

I'm sick of hired men
Nor do I want desirous ones

Give me one
Who fills my heart with so much joy
Send me one
Who could content me like a fountain
And I'll drink from my own well
Get me one
Who can charm me with his words
And send shivers down my spine
And make love to me
Like no other lover

And please
Do not send me lust without love
romance without passion
for this is like sending me a Kiss of Death
So let me rejoice
now that I found him
My match, my lust, my pride, my joy
My secret lover
Whose love is in my every veins

For if you should take him away
I'd be like a tramp
And life would crumble
Hurled through still Heavens
And I would be lost

So leave us God
And the rest of them
Can go to Hell!