Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Dear Zie, The Inspirer...

It’s been almost two months now
We’ve been together though with no vow..
Believe it or not…
Or even if you like it or not..
We have been so attached..
At least that’s what I feel deep inside..
I inspire you..?
Yeah Right..
You’ve inspired me, always, day and night..

In many ways, if not all, we just match..
You think so, or you don’t, only you and me can catch!!
Am I your female version..? My mind figures..
Or you might possibly be my male version, one triggers..

So caring and understanding you have been..
And the daring you, not that I’ve not seen..
Above all, you are YOU and non other..
Zie or Gee, or even ‘Syg’ as per MD
It doesn’t matter....
For as long as God consented..
Kib here.. writing in vain and conceited..
We remain together, if not forever, at least for now
Coz’ (I feel and I believe) we’ve been put together without VOW.
