Monday, June 25, 2007


Where do I go from here?
Should I take a walk
Or do I stay?
Yet I feel I shall stand here
Though in your shadows - NEVERMORE

I will use my soul to lift my own
And not lift yours like before
For this treasured chest with all the sense of pride
Without any sense of lust I shall forbore

Each time you touch upon these hands
And lift my heavy heart so passionately
Yet all the time
I know that
Fate will take us apart someday
Leaving your heart in mine

With sweating pulses that beat double
And then what do I do?
When all my dreams now include you
As the writer must first taste her own words
I must bid farewell to you EVENTUALLY

And when God summons me
And I be sued
I will save this last prayer for me...
Oh My God
Do not punish me, nay not me
And when He hears your name
Which I whispered so silently
within my weeping heart
And He sees within my eyes
The tears of two
I know He will forgive me!