Sunday, October 14, 2012


The scented jasmines
Was your gesture of love
It had many smells
From a far away land it landed on my soil
And reached my humble patio with pride
Then you sent another gift
A white dove to be by my side
Thats another token of love for you
Your mind will always be with me
Then you scribbled the love note
Heavy and nice for all to see
I smiled, I laughed and cried a little
With all the joy in my heart.

But when I reached home today
I saw my jasmines wilting away
My dove gone
And the love notes torn to pieces
I had none
All given were taken

How could all these be?
Please give my jasmine back
Get me that dove
And send those love notes again please
Why now, I asked?
Why not? said you
Then I realized
That was the true face of
A mean you!
How I wish I had known
And not be fooled